24 MW Biomass Plant - Sherman Development
58 Sherman Lumber Co Rd., Stacyville ME 04777

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For Immediate Use.

The former 24 MW Boralex / Wheelabrator Biomass Power has been used for years to produce reliable power for the East Coast Grid. This facility has been maintained and stands ready for site use or international transfer.

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For Immediate Use.

The former 24 MW Boralex / Wheelabrator Biomass Power has been used for years to produce reliable power for the East Coast Grid. This facility has been maintained and stands ready for site use or international transfer.


For Immediate Use.

The former 24 MW Boralex / Wheelabrator Biomass Power has been used for years to produce reliable power for the East Coast Grid. This facility has been maintained and stands ready for site use or international transfer.


24 MW Turbine / Biomass Power Plant - Sherman | Stacyville Maine


2 Mill Street, Lenox, Massachusetts 01240


6901 DuPont Dr., Florence, South Carolina 29506 - Florence Development